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Introduction to Felt Sensing (Focusing)

The first course in the Felt Sensing and With-Sensing training (Focusing and Listening)

Your Hosts

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Felt Sensing path
Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo

Vera R. Fryd Lyngmo, MSc Counselling, Certified Focusing Professional

Where & When

Online on Zoom - a link will be provided before the course starts
Mondays, March17, 24 & 31, April 7, at 6.30pm Central European Time (CET)
Central European Time (CEST)

Online Joining Information

You will recive a Zoom link before the first class starts

Meeting Format

Being the first of six courses in the Felt Sensing and With-Sensing (Focusing and Listening) skills certificate, this course offers the very basics of Felt Sensing  and of Sensing (Focusing) Partnership: The supportive experience of having a listener who is non-intrusive, and who doesn't give advice or opinions, as well as the sometimes challenging, but liberating experience of offering listening in this way.

Topics covered in the course:

  • Getting to know the Felt Sensing (Focusing) process
  • Developing the Felt Sensing (Focusing) Attitude; curiosity, openness and inner kindness and welcoming
  • Discovering what happens “under” what we think of as the regular "conciousness"
  • Trying out the Sensing (Focusing) Partnership

Teaching methods:

  • Sharing of theory
  • Demonstrations
  • Group discussions
  • Exercises and trying out in the group
  • Partnership exchange in class and between classes
  • Reflections and sharing


Vera's website:

Contact email: [email protected] Booking form

Registration Information and Price

Price: NOK1600,- 

Mondays, February 17 & 24, March 3 & 10, at 6.30 pm - 9 pm, Oslo, CEST. 

Booking form

More about this course: Introduction to Felt Sensing

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