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Focusing Oriented Therapy Training Program (60 CEUs)

An embodied and relational approach to unwinding stress and trauma for therapists and healing professionals

Your Hosts

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Jeffrey sitting with his students

Jeffrey Morrison, LMHC, Founder of Seattle Focusing Institute

Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT) is a body-centered and relational process that helps therapists keep clients safe and regulated while unwinding chronically stuck and traumatic experiences. In the first year workshop series, you will learn Focusing as a self-experiencing process while also learning to help clients shift from distraction and disconnection to being connected and present.

As the workshops progress, you will deepen your personal experience with Focusing and begin to develop your own style of integrating this experiential process in your professional work. Focusing is not a tool you use on someone; it is a way of being and experiencing that takes time to develop from the inside. As you notice the shifts in your own experiencing process, you will naturally bring that into all the relationships in your life.

Online Format

  • We use the Zoom meeting platform for workshops
  • 5 workshops
  • 4 online sessions per workshop = 20 sessions total
  • Sessions are 3.5 hrs long
  • One-on-One support available
  • Therapists receive 12 CEUs per workshop, 60 total

Each Workshop Includes 

  • Live presentation introducing new material
  • Demonstration of new skills to be practiced
  • Practice sessions to implement new skills
  • Time for processing sessions together
  • Video or live demonstrations of Focusing and FOT
  • Time for questions and group interaction
  • Small group coached sessions with a certified Focusing-Oriented Therapist

Between Workshops

  • 4-week break between workshops
  • Focusing partnerships form during each workshop and continue until the following workshop begins
  • Certified Focusers are available to work with, if desired
  • A teaching team member will be available for email questions


One payment of $2500 or two payments of $1375

Read more about our first year program here


Jeffrey Morrison, LMHC

[email protected]

Registration Information and Price

Save your spot here

Please note we require an introductory interview with all students interested in joining. If you register, we will reach out to schedule an interview to ensure the program is the best fit. If you are unsure about whether this program is right for you, reach out with your questions. 

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