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Focusing and Listening

Going Forward - Making it Count

Your Hosts

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Amaryn clare, CFT
Laura Vaccaro, LCSW-R, FOT
Going Forward

Amaryn Clare and Laura Vaccaro

Where & When

Meeting Format

In this third and final course of a three-part series, we will review, practice and address the following:

• Practice deepening Self in Presence

• Learn to deepen the not wanting/wanting process

• Address and resolve focusing difficulties still being experienced

• Learn and practice shift questions to help shift long held beliefs/energies in ourselves

• Untangle the felt sense and let even more of its knowing rise to awareness 

• Bring all lessons together to practice deeper focusing sessions with oneself and with another

• Gain proficiency on giving invitations/reminders to others

      - Learn about different focusing styles, such as close and distant focusers

      - Learn to deepen empathic attunement with another

• Be better prepared to join other and varied Focusing Programs offered by the Focusing Institute and other teachers

• Be prepared to join certain Focusing Certification Programs, if desired


There will be 5 weekly classes, 3 hours long.  The dates are Saturdays, April 3, 10, 17, 24, and May 1, 2021.  Please note, there is a possibility that the class may not begin until April 10 and end May 8, 2021.  The cost is $275.  Please email Amaryn and Laura at [email protected] for more information or to register.  

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