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Where & When
Zoom link will be sent to those who have registered on the day of the workshop.
Finding Your PLACE*
{A single 2 hour session}
* What if there was a way to reliably access a personalized guidance system available in each moment that knew exactly what you needed and what the right next steps would be to move towards your most positive outcome?
* What if you had a way to create a sense of spaciousness in the middle of a too busy/overwhelmed day or week or month?
* What if you had a way of listening deeply to yourself and others so that you really felt seen and heard and that others could tell that you really “got” them?
That skill is called Focusing.
I want to extend an invitation to join me for a 2 hour online session “pay-what-you-can-by donation” course designed to introduce the inner listening skill called Focusing. We are living now in a challenging time full of tremendous uncertainty and change. Our entire world has been upended by changes – political, social, economic and environmental changes are moving too fast for our nervous systems to keep up with- there are deep shifts underway and it is becoming hard to keep our balance amid all the change.
In this context of all this change and uncertainty, the skills to deeply connect to oneself and others are more essential than ever before.
This course will introduce Focusing as a natural method of inner connection and awareness that can help one to carry a sense of internal connection and shelter into every moment. This session will be an interactive two hours designed to offer direct experiential learning both individually and in practice with others. The session will be conducted in a spirit of curiosity, experimentation and designed to encourage creativity and playful awareness. Since it is experiential, participants should be willing and able to participate with their audio and video both on. Class size will be limited and it will not be recorded.
For more information about my work, please visit or email [email protected]
Marki Webber RN M.Ed.
For registration, please email [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
This workshop is offered on a pay-what-you-can-by-donation basis.