Your Hosts
Where & When
Zoom link available upon registration.
When you are asked to give a talk, what happens to you, inside?
What is stopping you from feeling completely confident?
How does your inner critic manifest for you?
And how can you create speech content from a feeling place, rather than just your head?
This course uses Inner Relationship Focusing (IRF) to help you explore your feelings around public speaking.
In week 5 you will be asked to give a 5-7 minute talk in front of the group, for which you will be given some skills training. But mostly the course is inviting you to explore and accompany what arises for you when asked to give a talk.
I use guided exercises, speaking exercises, skills training and principles drawn from Inner Relationship Focusing to help support you.
Week 1: Why working with our anxiety works, and trying to get rid of it doesn't. And "What would it feel like, here in my body, if this issue was somehow resolved?" Experiencing the wanted feeling, and what blocks it.
Week 2: "What do I want to say?" Getting a feel for our content using Focusing and regular skills training.
Week 3: "I'm no good at this". Working with the Inner Critic.
Week 4: "What is this part not wanting to happen to me?" Exploring what lies beneath our speaking anxiety.
Week 5: Delivering your talk online in a supportive environment.
Why Inner Relationship Focusing?
Inner Relationship Focusing teaches us how to attend to our inner experience in a way that feels deeply satisfying. This attending to ourselves brings change both inside and outside, as stuck places within begin to feel safe enough to take their next steps.
IRF is a refined and expanded form of Focusing developed by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin. It works with ‘parts’ as well as felt senses. Parts can often be in conflict with one another, or hidden from us, and IRF offers an approach of working with these in an educated and compassionate way that can lead to new shifts.
Price: €195. Includes teaching slides, recordings of guided exercises and individual feedback from a speaking coach (me!). (Discounts available for students, those not working, and people experiencing hardship)
Registration Information and Price
Email fiona@beheard for registration and zoom link.