Your Hosts
Where & When
Provide your email at registration and we will email you a zoom link three days before the event.
We're Mammals! Sometimes, we forget that fact. Our wellbeing is dependant on our community and relationships. Regular physical touch, even when it comes from professional services like massage and physiotherapy, calms our nervous systems and stress responses and changes the stress hormones and neurotransmitters we produce.
Has it been weeks since you've had physical contact with another human being? Do you live alone? Are you physically distancing in your home because your loved ones are front line workers? Are you living with a disability or chronic illness that created physical isolation well before COVID? Are you just plain noticing that your skin is craving touch? Is isolation affecting your mood? If any of these sound familiar, this 90-minute, interactive, Zoom workshop might be for you.
Our goal is to deliver a little bit of science and practical strategies you can use to connect you to your body and get those feel-good chemicals flowing in your brain. While we're all together, we'll talk about self-care, and practice voice, breathwork, and movement.
Questions and participation are welcome and encouraged, but not necessary if you're shy.
The cost of this workshop is $25.00 or register with a friend andv purchase two registrations for $40.
Registration Information and Price
Register online at