Your Hosts
Where & When
Information about joining the group sessions will be sent prior to the first group meeting.
In this five-month program that meets once/month, you’ll have the opportunity to explore in-depth what aging means to you, celebrate your accomplishments, grieve and make peace with your challenges and losses, open your hearts to your dreams and hopes, and begin to take steps toward realizing some of these. All of this is informed by the implicit wisdom we access through Focusing.
Goals for the 5-month program
- Make space to discover what aging means to you vs. fitting into someone else’s ideas about what it means to get older.
- Uncover your own meanings, ideas, and attitudes, including unconscious limitations you may have put on yourself.
- Increase your sense of possibility, joy, peace of mind, and integrity.
- Take stock and celebrate the growth in the life you’ve lived so far.
- Take time to identify and grieve losses in your life
- Discover what makes your life more meaningful, and make the best choices for yourself based on this
- Get better at coping with change and other stressors by developing self-compassion and other coping skills
- Connect with others through shared community
- Embrace aging instead of avoiding and denying inevitable changes
- Create a personal road map for your ongoing journey
- Deepen and expand your Focusing skills along the way
email: [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
Registration information can be found on Scroll to the bottom of the page to find information for signing up and sending the tuition for the Conscious Aging Program.
The fee for the program, including the class meetings, recordings of the sessions and handouts is $450. A sliding scale is available on an as-needed basis. Be in touch with Ruth for more information.
This program will be limited to 8 participants.