Your Hosts

Where & When
Costs: 245 euro’s some scholarships are availble
We propose to explore what is behind the children's behaviour in terms of needs, especially when it is not as accepted by adults. Also, we offer to you, as participants, the occasion to experience and learn from your inner child’s feelings and needs, so you can be guided by it in relation to your children.
We will work with the concept of needs from the Nonviolent Communication model designed by Marshall Rosenberg. In our meetings we will use Focusing in order to get closer to these needs – parents and children's needs. Both approaches – NVC and Focusing - see the process and the empathic listening as the basis for better relations, inside, outside and between us.
Some of the topics that will be explored in our group:
How to Increase Self in Presence and Self Care for parents.
Triggers and what to do with them.
What kind of language (verbal, nonverbal, symbolique) supports the child’s development.
Support interaction between two (fighting) children.
Registration Information and Price
When: 8 Mondays every two weeks starting from October 23. The dates are: October 23, November 6, 20, December 4, 18 January 8th, 22, Februari 5
Hours: 7pm till 9pm CET (Central European Time)
Costs: 245 euro’s
Contact us: [email protected]