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Certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy

60-Hour Intensive Course for Qualified Therapists with a Grounding in Focusing

Your Hosts

Event Image
Sara Bradly
Judy Moore

Sara Bradly and Judy Moore

Where & When

Long Stratton, Norfolk, UK
April 30/May 1; May 28/29; June 25/26; July 23/24; Sept 24/25; Oct 15/16
UK Time

Meeting Format
In Person

An in-person course for just 6 participants. With two trainers and just six participants we are able to provide an exceptional holding experience that feels safe and supportive as you explore and deepen the practice of Focusing within your client work.

The course explores Focusing and deep listening from the context of therapy and will give you the confidence to integrate it safely into your therapeutic work with clients.

On passing the course, you will be eligible to receive a certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy from The International Focusing Institute, New York (TIFI).

Applicants must be qualified and registered counsellors/ psychotherapists and ensure they have a solid grounding in Focusing, e.g, a Focusing Skills Certificate (BFA), a Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award (TIFI), completion of the Focusing module on the PG Dip Counselling course from the University of East Anglia, or equivalent. 

The course is largely experiential, giving plenty of opportunity to practise integrating Focusing in various ways into your counselling/ psychotherapy practice. The aim is to encourage participants to find their own individual style in the way they offer Focusing-Oriented Therapy to their clients.

Course Content

  • the history of Focusing and how it developed from Client-Centred Therapy and the early collaboration of Eugene Gendlin and Carl Rogers
  • introducing Focusing into a therapy session
  • facilitating a Focusing process for your depressed/ anxious/ traumatised client
  • the use of Focusing language to enable clients to create distance from overwhelming feelings and explore difficult feelings safely
  • the exploration and integration of:

        - Whole Body Focusing

        - Bio-Spiritual Focusing

        - Inner Relationship Focusing - working with the inner critic and other 'parts'

        - creative resources: body maps, sand tray  and art materials for facilitating a Focusing process with children and adults

Teaching Methods

The focus of the course is on experiential learning and therefore a good percentage of time is spent in dyads/ triads, experiencing, exploring, and practising aspects of theory.

Throughout the course, visual aids such as flip chart, creative/ interactive power point presentations, and video will be used to present aspects of theory.  Live demonstrations with participants will be a feature of the course. Relevant reading material and handouts will be distributed where appropriate.


Supervision runs throughout the course. Each weekend time is given in group supervision to confidentially address any issues or questions you may have regarding clients. Additionally, each participant will be required to have two individual supervision sessions with each of the trainers.

Focusing Partnerships

Participants will be required to practise Focusing outside of course hours in a partnership with another course participant or an external Focusing partner for the duration of the course. 


  • informal observation over the duration of the course
  • a reflective essay based on a recorded FOT session (with either a colleague, Focusing partner, or a friend/ family member)
  • a final practical assessment on the last weekend


For more information:

email: [email protected]

Phone: +44 (0) 1508 530551

Mobile: +44 (0) 7979180170

Registration Information and Price

Please complete an application form and reserve your place here:

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