דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Dynamic Expressive Focusing!

A Fresh Approach to Being with Children and Your Inner Child

Your Hosts

Event Image
Harriet & René: Being Seriously Playful!
Children Focusing
working with symbols

Harriët Teeuw & René Veugelers; FOT, Art Therapist & CC for Adult and Children

Where & When

from The Netherlands
March 15 2024 14 PM(CET) till 16th till 21 Pm (CET)
Eastern time

Venue Website
Online Joining Information

You will learn: How to integrate an experiential dimension into your daily life and/or working practice, building greater resilience and competence in selfcare while developing your understanding of personal, bodily-felt life experience from both a theoretical and practical point of view.

Meeting Format

This program is an invitation to participate in activities offering you direct experience of the tools, techniques and the inherently gentle, playful approach of Experiential Focusing. The program context will be a gradual, supported learning in a safe group environment, allowing you to absorb the skills, knowledge and attitudes that result in real interaction with others ~ both children & adults. We will do all of the above in a safe environment with clear boundaries that respect the need for privacy and vulnerability.

יצירת קשר

contact René: [email protected]  or  Look at the website:



Registration Information

march 2024 Friday 15th (14 PM to 21 PM)  &  Saterday 16th (14 PM to 21PM 

Fee: €265 (Normal) Early Bird €195 (before 15th of january )

contact René: [email protected]  or  Look at the website:  https://www.childrenfocusing.org/introductory-course/ 

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