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Gendlin says…

An experiential understanding of Gendlin’s quotes and concepts, with surprising life-moving-forward ideas

Your Hosts

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Wendi Maurer, Ph.D.

Wendi Maurer, Ph.D.

Where & When

First Tuesday each month, Starting September 3, 2024, ending August 5, 2025, From 12:30 to 2:00pm
Eastern Standard Time

Online Joining Information

Zoom address to be shared at time of payment

Meeting Format

Be ready to enjoy what Eugene Gendlin says from a new point of view — with discussions, TAE, Focusing, guest presenters, surprising exercises, and sweet inner contemplation. Most featured quotes will be taken from his interviews and writings that you may have never seen before.

Gendlin has a lot to say about being in this world and I want to help others use and enjoy his knowledge. So, I have developed “Gendlin Says…”, where we can go deeper in understanding and experiencing his wisdom. For example, playing with ‘Paradox’ to find what is hidden; ‘Stopped Process’ to show us our next steps; connecting with others through ‘Interaction First’; being more patient with ourselves through self love; and more…

Gendlin teaches us, that when we are in touch with the whole wisdom in our body area, the felt sense of something we know, there is always more that we didn’t know we knew! And to access this felt sense of 'more', we need to pause with patience, self-kindness and an openness… We can start from most any topic and it leads us to where we are supposed to be, to listen to our wisdom for our next steps. I invite you to have some heart-felt fun with what 'Gendlin Says,’ while surprising yourself with your own wisdom as you move forward in your life.

We will meet monthly, and experience a new Gendlin quote or concept — on the first Tuesday of each month, from 12:30 to 2:00 pm Eastern time, for 1½ hours. The cost is $195.00 USD, and $178.00 for returning participants. The class is for a full year, starting September 3, 2024 through August 5, 2025, for a total of 12 meetings. If you miss a session, you may still have a make up time. All gatherings will be recorded. A portion will be donated to The International Focusing Institute. If you would like to know more about this and me, please go to Please sign up by paying through my website or Zelle and contact me at [email protected] or (619)701-7999 on Signal or WhatsAp to introduce yourself and if you have questions. I look forward to meeting you!!


You may contact me at [email protected] or (619)701-7999 on Signal or WhatsAp to introduce yourself and if you have questions. I look forward to meeting you!

Registration Information and Price

The cost is $195.00 USD, and $178.00 for returning participants. The class is for a full year, starting September 3, 2024 through August 5, 2025, for a total of 12 meetings. A portion will go to TIFI. Please sign up by paying through my website (or Venmo or Zelle using [email protected]) and contact me at [email protected] or (619)701-7999 on Signal or WhatsAp to introduce yourself and if you have questions. I look forward to meeting you!

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