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Past Events

Please note: Listings on this page are either events organized by The International Focusing Institute (TIFI), or are offered independently by Certified Focusing Professionals.  Those organized by TIFI will have one of TIFI’s logos.

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- Eastern (New York) Time
Focusing Roundtables logo Terri Thayer John Steele
Sorry registration is closed due to a full event and full wait list. This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series especially for TIFI members.

In this Roundtable, we will explore and experience how the Writing and Focusing processes influence each other. We will look for ways to connect Focusing to our writing practice to facilitate more clarity and depth to our writing and more ease in the process. We will discuss ways to use Focusing to get to the heart of our Writing.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019
Beginning in 2021, we are building an On-Going Learning Community for Mastery in Guiding. Although this community is not geared toward Focusing certification, we understand and believe in the transformational power of our one-to-one relationships. We are excited about the variety of training backgrounds coming together here and we also are grounding in Inner Relationship Focusing as a common experience and language from which to share and grow.
This course meets 10 times for 1.5 hours and continues with on going monthly gatherings.
Laura Vaccaro, LCSW-R, FOT Amaryn Clare, CFT We hope to see you there!
We are excited to announce our very first Changes Group, which will take place on Sunday, February 7, 2021, 1:30p.m.-3:00pm EST via Zoom. Experienced Focusers as well as those with a basic proficiency in Focusing are welcome to attend. Our first meeting will feature Arnold Zeman, CFT, who will give a brief talk on Gendlin's "Let your body interpret your dreams." We are anticipating an exciting group and are hoping that you will join us!

introduction to focusing
My approach to teaching Focusing is to show you how it is based on a natural ability that we all have. For people who are new to Focusing, and Focusers who want a creative framework to further develop their skills.
Dreamcatcher Arnold Zeman, MA, CPCC, CFP
Gene Gendlin’s classic work, Let Your Body Interpret Your Dreams, explains how to use Focusing and your Felt Sense of a dream to plumb its depth, discover its hidden meaning, and carry your living forward. In this Workshop, you'll learn how to apply his distinctive, bi-directional approach to understanding and living forward from your dreams.

The photo is of a traditional Dreamcatcher created by the indigenous peoples across North America, According to their culture, a dreamcatcher is designed to capture bad dreams in its web, while letting the good dreams through.
- Eastern (New York) Time
This is the second section being offered to the Wait list from the Jan 21st event.

This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series especially for TIFI members.

In this experiential Roundtable, we will gently explore our personal experience and cultural attitudes in relation to death and loss, and invite more to come freshly through felt sensing. Our exploration will include guided attunements, group sharing, Focusing breakout triads, and reflection as we harvest both old and new connections with gentle curiosity and embodied presence.

Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Ann Weiser Cornell Carol Nickerson
Go deeper into Focusing and Focusing partnership. Learn the skill of guiding with sensitivity and awareness. Interactive advanced Focusing training by Zoom for 9 weeks, includes partnership practice.

Taught by Ann Weiser Cornell (author of The Power of Focusing) and Carol Nickerson.

Includes videos, demos, readings, discussion, group exercises, and individual sessions. Partnership Proficiency Recognition awarded on completion.

Online via Zoom
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019
An online advanced Focusing class that helps you understand where you are within a process and then, to sense what is needed from you for this situation now. We learn tools to guide ourselves and others that invite relational trust, lasting change and life forward flow.
Meets for six times Wednesday mornings from 11 am - 1 pm EST New York Time.
Prerequisite: Level 2 Focusing training or equivalent experience. Contact me to chat if you are unsure.

Alex Maunder
This is a 4 week course that looks at the fundamental question of how "Healing" or "Wholeness" arises. Focusers are very well aware of the dangers of becoming merged with a dominant part, which can often lead to feelings of emotional overwhelm and compulsive behaviour. An essential part of the process of healing is to create space and for the observing self to keep the right distance to the part - so that a felt shift can take place. I used to think that was it ! But now with the availability of modern brain scans of a Focusing client of mine I now realise that for "Complete Healing" to take place an extra step is needed....
Participate in this course to find out how Quantum Focusing enables an energetic connection to other alive and healthy parts in
Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019
LEVEL 2 is about deepening into the Focusing and Listening process by looking more at the role of the Companion. A companion to ourselves as well as others. I introduce neuroscience here. We develop further our personal concept of creating an inner space that welcomes it all and adapting that space as we follow our process.

Class meets six times on Mondays 7-9pm New York EST beginning February 1.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Focusing Class or equivalent Focusing experience

Sandy Jahmi Burg 2019
LEVEL 2 is about deepening into the Focusing and Listening process by looking more at the role of the Companion. A companion to ourselves as well as others. I introduce neuroscience here. We develop further our personal concept of creating an inner space that welcomes it all and adapting that space as we follow our process.

Class meets six times on Sundays 1-3pm New York EST beginning January 31.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Focusing Class or equivalent Focusing experience

Isabel Gascón. Coordinadora Nacional y Trainer Certificada por el Instituto de Internacional de Focusing. Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy. Tutora de la formación de este módulo desde 2009. Miembro de la Asociación de Psicoterapeutas Laureano Cuesta. Macarena López Anadón. Psicóloga especialista en Psicología Clínica, psicoterapeuta humanista-gestalt-corporal y Trainer en Focusing certificada por The International Focusing Institute. Prácticas Tutorizadas ONLINE

Marki Webber RN, M.Ed
Experiential classes offered over 6 months for a deep foundation for the practice of Focusing. Offered in 3 parts- 8 sessions each: Going Inside and Finding a Felt Sense, Listening and how to be with what shows up, & All about Focusing Partnerships. Intended to prepare students for the PFP award.
Focusing Roundtables Patrizia Bonaca
Questa conversazione online gratuita fa parte della serie Focusing Roundtable specialmente per i membri di TIFI.

Questa Tavola Rotonda è la prima di quattro tavole rotonde in italiano che saranno offerte mensilmente a partire dal mese di Gennaio fino al mese di Aprile 2021. Ciascuna delle quattro tavole rotonde è un programma unico quindi potrete inscrivervi a una o più tavole rotonde.

- Eastern (New York Time)
Highlights logo Eric Severson
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.

From his perspective as a philosopher, Severson suggests connections between Gendlin’s philosophy of language and the contemporary problems of systemic racism. In this webinar, Severson will investigate some of the philosophical roots of Gendlin’s philosophy, with a focus on the problem of racism in modern American society.

This class is oriented toward therapists and academics with an interest in the connection between Gendlin’s work and the lived experience of language and race, though all are welcome to attend.

Focusing Highlights es una serie de clases

Online (Class will also be recorded) - En línea (la clase también se grabará)
Topic: The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Ann Weiser Cornell
When you gaze up at the stars at night, do you have a sense of being a loved and cherished part of a larger compassionate system?

Or do you feel small and insignificant, and that the universe is cold, chaotic, and uncaring?

Here’s what I’ve learned: The difference between these two worldviews is not an intellectual decision. It’s something you can feel in the wisdom of your body.

Over my 49 years of listening inwardly using Focusing, I’ve made an astonishing discovery: The more I listen within, the more I feel connected to what is much bigger than me.

Join me and explore how inner awareness can connect you to the spiritual dimension.

Online via Zoom
Laura Vaccaro, LCSW-R, FOT Amaryn Clare, CFT sunset
As a result of the many folks interested in the December Introductory Class and our commitment to maintain a small study group with individual attention, we have added this Introductory class to begin January 24, 2021. The class is deliberately kept small to ensure each participant ends with a complete understanding of the process and begins to experience the benefits of what Focusing can provide. Individual attention and sessions will be given to each participant by one or both teachers as well as assigned partnerships between class dates. Please email Laura or Amaryn on [email protected] for more information. See more details.
Isabel Gascón. Coordinadora Nacional (España) y Trainer Certificada por el Instituto de Internacional de Focusing. Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy. Cómo cambiar la relación con tu crítico interno
Es posible convertir el Crítico Interno en un cuidador que nos sirva de guía para crecer y desarrollar todo nuestro potencial.
Virginia Sánchez León. Diplomada en Focusing por el Instituto Español de Focusing. Trainer de Focusing por el Instituto Internacional de Focusing. Fisioterapeuta. Osteópata C.O. especializada en Terapia Craneosacral. Cómo introducir Focusing en las terapias manuales
Desde una visión biopsicosocial exploraremos las diferentes herramientas que Focusing nos puede aportar, como el diálogo verbal, las sensaciones corporales, la actitud hacia el paciente y hacia nosotr@s mism@s como terapeutas.
Daphne with Baby Goat
Focusing is most easily learned in the company of others and this introduction offers the perfect first step in that process.

The workshop is a three-hour experiential introduction to Inner Relationship Focusing. We'll learn an exercise to clear your inner space in preparation for a Focusing session. We'll cover the basic elements of Inner Relationship Focusing. Finally, you'll have a chance to put it into practice in paired duos.​