Dr. Evelyn Fendler-Lee, Organizational Psychologist with a doctorate in science, is certified as a person-centered counselor and Focusing-trainer. She is a Coordinator-in-Training offering the certification and training program "Deep Thinking to Move Live and Thoughts Forward." She teaches TAE internationally; since 2015, she has been in charge of TAE training at the German Focusing Institute (DFI, DAF). She has been developing Thetaland®, a playful inquiry tool based on TAE. Since 2009, she has been a self-employed coach for professional and personal growth. She facilitates creative processes and applies TAE to innovation, teamwork, and leadership. As an associate lecturer, she taught self-management and social competencies at Universities. She brings 20 years of experience in teamwork, leadership, and project management while working as a material scientist in well-respected research institutes and the automotive and chemical industries.