Your Hosts
Where & When
The Focusing Oriented Therapy Program
This online program takes place on select Saturdays. The workshop dates are determined by the group, up to 6 months in advance. Each 1-day training runs from 9 am – 3 pm PST, at a cost of $200 + GST per workshop (total $210 Cdn.) Counselling professionals and grad students are welcome to attend single modules or the whole 2-year series, and may become certified as a "Focusing Oriented Therapist" (FOT), upon completion of certain criteria.
This is a highly experiential training program. Students will practice on each other, which allows you, in the client role, to experience the process of Focusing first-hand. The sequencing of modules will be determined by the needs and schedules of the participants... you will direct me as to which topics, in what order, on what schedule works for you, thus providing a custom-fitted design. The only non-flexible aspect is that the workshops take place on one Saturday of every month, excluding December.
For more information, visit my website:
There are 3 buttons at the bottom of the page that provide more details
For details and pricing
(note there are 3 buttons at the bottom of the page that provide more detail)
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 604-655-1118
Registration Information and Price
Please contact me directly at:
and I will provide information and a registration form.