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Where & When
The Zoom Link will be sent out to registrants one week prior to the presentation date.
Click here to view the presentation page for more information and registration.
Presentation Description
Friday, March 7th, 2025 1:00-3:00pm PST / 4:00-6:00pm EST / Click here for your time zone
Community Wellness Focusing is about sharing Focusing in a way that touches people and helps us all to bring this amazing body process into our everyday lives. What we discovered is that it's important to share what we learn immediately– not waiting to become any kind of ‘expert.’ Focusing crosses with every other practice when it is part of one’s life.
For community work we recognize that everyone brings their own expertise and shares it with the rest of us. We, as the Focusing teachers (and we use this term lightly), have one kind of expertise, but in this model we facilitate rather than teach. We are training individuals and groups in their own communities, who might work in any kind of capacity– whether participant, activist, teacher, or leader. Each person in the “room” is encouraged to ground what they learn in their own daily lives and work.
If you cannot attend the Live Presentation via Zoom, the recording will be available for you to watch at your convenience for up to 2 months.
About the Presenters
Pat Omidian, PhD in Medical Anthropology and Certifying Coordinator for TIFI, uses Focusing in her trainings on psychosocial support and psychological first aid. Her trainings have led to the development of community training manuals in English, Urdu, Spanish, Pashto, Dari and Japanese. In December 2013, Melinda Darer and Pat launched Focusing Initiatives International, a not-for-profit organization that promotes Focusing as a basis for positive emotional, social justice and resilience globally.
Nina Joy Lawrence, MS Counseling, Certifying Coordinator for TIFI, is enthusiastic about Community Wellness Focusing, Quaker Focusing, Children Focusing and gathering Focusers together to share and have fun. She uses art in both her personal practice and in Focusing trainings. Nina has taught Focusing in Afghanistan and Pakistan. She has encouraged and supported the Northwest Focusing Gathering which has been happening since 2008.
Cost: $25 || Click here for information + registration
To learn more about the FOAT Institute's Roots, Branches, and Wings Series, click here.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at: [email protected]
For questions, please email us at [email protected]