
3 Hour Introduction to Focusing 2 Year Training and Certification Course

Meet and Greet Facilitators and potential Classmates

Your Hosts

Event Image
Beth Mahler
Maria Skoufas

Beth Mahler, LCSW, FOT, Certifying Coordinator and Maria Skoufas, CFT

Where & When

Zoom Meeting Time: Oct 3, 2021 12:00-3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Sunday, Oct 3, 2021 12-3 pm EDT
Eastern Time

Online Joining Information

Beth Mahler is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Beth Mahler's Zoom Meeting
Time: Oct 3, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 624 445 1795
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Meeting ID: 624 445 1795
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Meeting Format

*Introduction to Eugene Gendlin and Mary Hendrix Gendlin's vision and how it aligns with our teaching and facilitation 

*Finding a Felt Sense of emerging into a Focusing 2 Year 

*Hearing from Coaches who will provide initial coaching sessions

*Hearing from past and present students about their experiences 

*Further Q & A that needs more clarification 

*By the end of the time together, setting a start date for those who feel readiness to go forward

*Join us to explore your Inquiry, with no obligation to join the 2 Year Training


For more info about facilitators, please visit our website at www.njfocusers.wixsite.com/trainers or at www.focusing.org under find a trainer tab

Questions: Feel free to reach out to Beth and Maria at [email protected] and one of us will be happy to return your email inquiry.

Registration Information and Price

Please RSVP to [email protected]

This is a free event

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