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Meeting ID: 870 0720 2239
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Meeting ID: 870 0720 2239
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In Part 3 of this series on “othering” (you can attend even if you have not attended the first two) we will use Focusing and Focusing Conversations in large and small groups to explore what we are calling the “The Miracle of Reconciliation.” We offer the term “miracle” to get at the profound surprise that something termed “reconciliation” between “otherer” and the ones “othered” can actually come given the long-term, layered and often brutal suffering that “othering” causes. We will explore the question: What does it take for healing reconciliation to occur? We will offer some deeply humanizing examples of this and inquire into the dimensions of the important and painful work of RECONCILIATION’S EMERGENCE and what the Focusing Attitude and skills and listening might have to offer. We hope to leave with a sense of where each of us might be on the journey to our own unfolding contribution to this MIRACLE.
Registration Information and Price
To register, send an email to [email protected] with the words BIG TALK in the subject line, along with a couple of sentences about yourself and your interest in this topic.