Your Hosts
Where & When
Zoom Link: Link will be sent to participants' registration emails prior to the meeting date
Workshop Information
In this workshop, you will be introduced to FOAT® as a gentle and curious way to explore your inner experience and access the felt sense. Then you will learn the fun and powerful artistic process of SoulCollage® that uses images as a means of expressing your inner wisdom. Blending FOAT® with SoulCollage® fosters a profound experience, allowing our body to guide us to deeper self-knowledge. To give you a taste of this powerful medium, we will briefly review the basics of FOAT® and SoulCollage®, create a card or two, and share in pairs for deeper insight and self-discovery.
This group is open to people who are new to FOAT® as well as those with previous FOAT® experience!
Date: Monday, June 7, 2021
Time: 3:30PM - 5:30PM PDT (Click here for your time zone)
Suggested Materials:
- Images from magazines, cards, calendars
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cardboard
Cost and Deadlines
Price: $35.
Final Registration Deadline: June 4th, 2021
For scholarship requests, please email [email protected] for an application.
To Register: Click Here
Lynn: [email protected] | Marise: [email protected]
Registration Information and Price
To Register: Click Here