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At Home in Your Body: Focusing-Oriented Meditation

Focusing-Oriented Meditation

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Event Image
Rooted meditation woman (Art by Leah Kolidas)
Heidi's Table

Heidi Fischbach, Ed.M, LMT, Certified Focusing Professional

Where & When

Meeting Format

Each class I will guide you in a brief attunement to help you settle into a sense of ease and grounding in your body. I will offer gentle guidance in going to the more subtle body places beneath the surface of what you might usually refer to as “I.” You will then have the opportunity to practice tuning in and turning toward yourself and what is there for you today in the supportive and friendly environment of the class. Lastly there will be opportunity for questions and reflections.

Feeling at home in your body, receptive and friendly toward your experience, and able to find a sense of presence and calm even in the midst of the difficult situations that life can bring, these are a few of the things that Focusing-oriented meditation can help you experience.

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