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Our first workshop: OTHERING
facilitated by Steve Moscovitch & hosted by Lynn Preston
Sunday Dec. 12th,11:00am-12:45pm EST
Throughout history, building bridges of mutual respect, compassion and justice has been one of the greatest challenges we have faced as humans. Part of what makes this so difficult is the conflict between our deeply human need for safe belonging and our sense of personal individual identity. Most of us have experienced the pain of having our differences undervalued or devalued, subtly or in extreme ways.
We have been “othered” and felt “other.” Most of us have othered those who are different from us in various ways. Now we are faced with the challenges of healing at the personal, communal and inter-communal levels. If we accept this challenge, we embark on a painful, vital and lengthy journey. Focusing has a great deal to contribute to this journey.
In this workshop we will explore the dynamics of “othering,” both conceptually and experientially. We will sense into the experience of being “othered” and the challenge of journeying through and beyond our residual wounds into an authentic, fuller and better relational version of ourselves.
Lynn Preston at [email protected].
Registration Information and Price
To register, please send an email with the words BIG TALK in the subject line, along with a couple of sentences about yourself and your interest in this topic.
The email should be sent to: