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Find a Focusing Professional - Kim Isaak


Hello. I’m Kim.

Many wise and gracious people have companioned me towards greater authenticity, wholeness and life. I have a special interest in grief, loss, trauma, wholeness and the body so that we can hear and tell stories that heal and lead us forward towards newness of life.

As a spiritual director, spiritual director supervisor, retreat facilitator and Inner Relationship Focusing Teacher, I offer spaces for holy listening where people can learn to befriend their souls and everything real and genuine inside of themselves.

I am especially interested in working with people who are seeking to live authentically, from the inside out, allowing for integration of their bodily sensations, feelings, thoughts and emotions that come through the felt-sense and a process known as Inner Relationship Focusing. Many of the individuals I companion and teach are disentangling from religious addiction, spiritual trauma and spiritual by-passing.

I offer Befriending Your Soul workshops to provide an introductory experience of the intersection of spirituality and Inner Relationship Focusing. I am a Certified Focusing Teacher, mentored by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGaving and teach Paths 1 and 1 of Inner Relationship Focusing using Doorways to the Soul cirriculum created by Paula Gamble-Grant. I provide personal guided focusing sessions and incorporate focusing within spiritual direction and spiritual direction supervision sessions. I lead retreats and host contemplative prayer groups which make room for the embodied listening process of focusing.

I’m grateful to be here with and among you.

Given Name
Business Name
Keeping Company
(952) 412-8252
United States
Certified Focusing Professional, Focusing Trainer
Coordinator (Can certify through the Institute)?
Coordinator-in-Training (CiT)
Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT)?
Services Offered
Coaching, Group Sessions, Individual Sessions, Online Sessions, Phone Sessions, Presentations
M.A., Spiritual Director, Supervisor
Language(s) Spoken
Areas of Interest
Community Wellness Focusing, Inner Relationship Focusing, Pastoral Counseling, Social Justice, Spirituality/Meditation, Trauma