דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

International Bibliography on Experiential Psychotherapy and Focusing: 1960-2000

 International Bibliography on Experiential Psychotherapy and Focusing: 1960-2000



Dr. Carlos Alemany
Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid. Spain.
Departamento de Psicología Básica y del Desarrollo.

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Adzema, Michael D. (1996). The scenery of healing: Commentary on the Mause's "Restaging of fetal trauma in war and social violence." Pre and Peri Natal Psychology Journal. Sum; Vol 10(4): 261-272

Aguilar, E. (2000). Introducción a la psicología experiencial y focusing. Almirez, 9 pp. 295-316.

Alemany, C. (1983). Introducción a la edición española. En: Gendlin, E.T., Focusing: Proceso y Técnica del Enfoque Corporal. Bilbao, Mensajero, pp. 5-10. 5th Edition in 2000.

Alemany, C. (1985) A short version of the Focusing check-list: PFC2. The Focusing Folio, val. 4, pp. 89-97.

Alemany, C. (1986) E1 enfoque corporal de Gendlin: validación de un instrumento de medida. Miscelanea Comillas (44), pp. 85-110.

Alemany, C. (1987) Comunicación y taller, "Le Corps et ses paradoxes". Presentado en el I Coogress des Terapies Corporelles. Paris.

Alemany, C. (1987) Comunicación y taller, "El enfoque corporal de Gendlin y la auto-realización". Presentado en el IX Congreso Europeo de Psicología Humanista. Barcelona.

Alemany, C. (1988) Despejar un espacio en Focusing. Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicologla Humanista, n.˚ 23-24, pp. 69-82.

Alemany, C. (1988) Esa paradoja que es el cuerpo. Arquetipo, n. 2, pp.

Alemany, C. (1991) E1 enfoque corporal de Gendlin (Focusing) y los Ejercicios Espirituales. En Alemany, C. y García-Monge, J.A., Psicología y Ejercicios Ignacianos, val. I y II. Mensajero, Sal Terrae. Bilbao-Santander, pp. 354-382; 2.a edición: 1996.

Alemany, C. (1995) Experiential Focusing and Ignatian Spirituality. The Folio: A Journal for Focusing and Experiential Therapy. Vol. 14, n. 2, pp. 59-70.

Alemany, C. (1996) E1 cuerpo paradójico y sus implicaciones terapéuticas. En: Alemany, C. y García, V. (eds.), El cuerpo vivido y analizado, Bilbao: Ed. Desclee de Br. pp. 35-49.

Alemany, C. (ed.) (1997) La psicoterapia experiencial y Focusing: La aportación de Eugene T. Gendlin. Bilbao, Desclée de Br.

Alemany C. (1997), Bibliografía Internacional sobre Psicoterapia Experiencial y Focusing: 1960-1996 en: obra anterior, apéndice II.

Alemany, C. (1999). Prólogo a la edición española en Gendlin, E.: El Focusing en psicoterapia. Manual del método experiencial, Ed. Paidós, Barcelona.

Alemany, C. y Aguilar E. (1988) Entrevista con E. Gendlin por G. Lietaer (traducción). Revista de Psiquiatría y Psicología Humanista n.˚ 23-24, pp. 141 - 162.

Alperson, D.E. (1986) The Interaction between Movement and Imagery in Experimental Movement Psychotherapy. The Focusing Folio. Vol. V. n. 3, pp. 104-113.

Alperson, E.D. (1974) Carrying experiencing forward through authentic body movement. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Vol. 11, n. 3.

Alperson, E.D. (1974) Process for facilitating body-mind integration. Trabajo presentado en The 82nd Annual Convention of the APA, Aug. 30-Sept. 3, New Orleans.

Alperson, E.D. (1974) The creation of meaning through body movement. En: Clinical Psychology: Issues of the Seventies. Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press.

Alperson, E.D. (1977) Experiential movement psychotherapy. Art Psychotherapy, Vol. 3

Alperson, E.D. (1980) Contacting bodily-felt experiencing in psychotherapy. En: Shorr, J.E., Sobel, G.E., Robin, P. y Connella, J.A. (Eds.) Imagery: Its many dimensions and applications. New York: Plenum Press.

Alperson, E.D. (1981) The interaction between movement and imagery in experiential movement psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 18, pp. 266-270.

Alvarez, R.J. (1995) El enfoque interno. CCS. Madrid.

Amodeo, J. (1977) Spirituality and the death of self-image. Yoga Journal, Enero/Febrero, pp. 1-5.

Amodeo, J. (1981) Focusing applied to a case of disorientation in meditation. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 13(2), pp. 149-154.

Amodeo, J. (1981) The complementary effects of meditation and focusing. The Focusing Folio Vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 1-27.

Amodeo, J. (1982) The way of love: getting clear on relationships. The Focusing Folio. Vol. 2, n. 3, pp. 9-16.

Amodeo, J. (1986) Being Intimate. A Guide to Successful Relationships. Arkana Books Paperback. London, New York.

Amodeo, J. (1994). Love and Betrayal. Ballantine Books, New York.

Amodeo, J. (2000). Prólogo en Whitfield, Ch.: Límites, fronteras y relaciones. Cómo conocerse, protegerse y disfrutar de uno mismo. Col. Serendipity, Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao.

Amodeo, J. (2001). Amor y traición. Col. Serendipity. Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao.

Amodeo, J. & Wentworth, K (1999) Crecer en intimidad. Guía para mejorar las relaciones interpersonales. Col. Serendipity. Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao.

Armstrong, M. (1988) Focusing with adult victims of childhood sexual abuses: Bringing repressed memories into conscious awareness. The Focusing Folio, 7, 1-10.

Armstrong, M. (1990) The use of focusing in co-dependence and addictive relationships. The Focusing Folio. Vol. 9, n. 3, pp. 98-111.

Armstrong, M. (1992) Reclaiming our good energy. The Folio. Vol. 11, n. 3 pp. 1-ó.

Armstrong, M. (1993) Sexual Abuse, Dissociation and Multiple Personality Disorder: One Experiential Therapist's Approach to the Aftermath of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Dissociation and multiple personality disorder as necessary survival adaptations. The Folio. Vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 35-44.

Armstrong, M. (1995) The use of focusing to explore the self and the self in intimate relationships. The Folio, Vol. 14(3), pp. 25-30.

Armstrong, M. (1996) The Use of Focusing in Psychotherapy with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma. International Conference, Gloucester, Boston.

Armstrong, M. y Armstrong, H. (1988) When couples focus together. The Focusing Folio, 7, 27-30.

Askins, M.V. (1977) A revised Image focusing scale. Unpublished manuscript, CSPP.

Askins, M.V. (1977) Hemispheric lateralization and Image focusing: a process-oriented approach to the psychology of consciousness. Doctoral Dissertation, School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. CA.

Atkinson,-Brent-J. (1998) Pragmatic/experiential therapy for couples. Journal-of-Systemic-Therapies. Sum; Vol 17(2): 18-35

Baquero, V. (1995) Psicoterapia centrada no carpo. Edicoes Loyola, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

Barba, S. (1993) Seeking embodiment: the adolescent journey through addiction (Par~ One). The Folio. Vol. 12, n. 2, pp. 1-16.

Barba, S. (1994) Subtle mind subtle body, and interface approach: the use of experiential focusing with Jin Shin Do acupuncture. The Folio. Vol. 13, n. 3, pp. 39-60.

Barba, S. (1995) Embodying our spirit through breath. The Folio. Vol. 14(2), pp. 49-58.

Barba, S. (1995) Interface and Jin Shin Do. The Folio. Vol. 14, n. 1, pp. 43-55.

Barnett, M. H. (1981) The effect of client preparation upon involvement and continuation in psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Florida.

Barrell, J.J. y Barrell, J.E. (1975) Self-directed approach for a science of human experience. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, Vol. 6, n. 1, pp. 63-73.

Barron, E. (1985) The creative client: 'Self psychology' and 'Focusing', implications for treatment. The Focusing Folio, 4(4), pp. 156164.

Barron, E. (1987) Focusing in the training of athletes: Fostering a state of creative excellence. The Focusing Folio, n. 6, pp. 124-129.

Bassoff, E.S. (1984) Healthy aspects of passivity and Gendlin's Focusing. Personnel and Guidance Journal. n. 62, pp. 268-279.

Bauer, R. (1985) Dream symbolization in light of analytic and experiential thinking. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. n. 15, pp. 20-28.

Bebout, J. (1981) Hypnosis and focusing. The Focusing Folio. Vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 29-30.

Bechman, J.F. (1979) An investigation into the effects of the existential experiential training made over time on the experiential focusing ability of counselor trainees. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Southern California.

Beck, B.L. (1982) Self-healing meditation. The Focusing Folio. Vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 20-25.

Beckman, J.F. (1979) An investigation into the effects of the Existential Experiential training made over time on the experiential focusing ability of counselor trainees. Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, School of Education, Los Angeles, CA.

Becnell, H.P. (1977) The effects of a marriage encounter program on marital need satisfaction in regard to role identity, focusing, and self disclosure in intimacy. Doctoral Dissertation, Kansas State University.

Bellin, C. (1990) Almost an oxymoron. On being a process-oriented entrepreneur. The Folio. Journal for Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy, 9(4), 138-145.

Berghofer, G. (1994) Dealing with schizophrenia a person-centered approach. In: Hutterer, R. (Ed.) Client centered and experiential psychotherapy: a paradigm in motion. Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main. pp. 481-494.

Bernick, N. y Oberlander, M. (1968) Effects of verbalization and two different modes of experiencing on pupil size. Perception and Psychophysics, Vol. 3 (5A).

Bernstein, R. (1996) On being a person in the interactional space. International Conference, Gloucester, Boston.

Bettinger, R.N. (1981) Experiential focusing and letting go to experience. Doctoral Dissertation, Boston University of Education.

Beutler, L.E. Machado, P., Engle, D. y Mohr, D. (1993) Differential patient and treatment maintenance among cognitive, experiential and self-directed psychotherapies. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3, 15-31.

Beutler, L.E., Engle, D., Mohr, D., Daldrup, R.J. et al. (1991) Predictors of differential response to cognitive, experiential, and self-directed psychotherapeutic procedures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 333-340.

Beutler, L.E., Engle, D.E., Oro-Beutler, M.E., Daldrup, R.J. y Meredith, K. (1986) Inability to express intense affects: A common link between depression and pain? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. n. 54, pp. 753-759.

Biggs, S. D. (1995) An exploration of sex differences in experiential psychotherapies. Master of Arts. York University (Canada).

Blair, W. (1981) Psychotherapeutic effectiveness: Is training necessary? Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Chicago.

Bobart, A. (1991) Change in experiential knowing as a common dimension in psychotherapy. Journal of Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy.

Boes, J. A. (1992) The child state of consciousness as a significant change event in Hakomi psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation. The Fielding Institute.

Bohart, A. (1977) Role-playing and interpersonal-conflict reduction. Journal of Counseling Psychology. Vol. 24, n. 1, pp. 15-24.

Bohart, A. (1991) "Feelings and Experience". Paper presented at: Second International Conference on Client-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy. Theory, Research and Practice. University of Stirling, Scotland.

Bohart, A. (1991) "The client-centered basis of an integrative process modal of psychotherapy". Paper presented at: Second International Conference on Client-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy. Theory, Research and Practice. University of Stirling, Scotland.

Bohart, A. (1992) Un modelo integrador de proceso para la Psicopatología y la Psicoterapia. Revista de Psicoterapia, 3(9), 49-74.

Bohart, A. (1993) Experiencing: The basis of psychotherapy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 3, 51-67.

Bohart, A. (1994) Experiencing as a therapeutic commonality: theory and research. Third International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Gmunden, Salzkammergut, Austria.

Bohart, A. (1994) Proposal for a two-part symposium: "Can one use techniques and still be client-centered?''. Third International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Gmunden, Salzkammergut, Austria.

Bohart, Arthur C. (1996) An experiential view of change in couples therapy. In Brothers, Barbara Jo (Ed); et-al. Couples and change. (pp. 41-64). New York, NY, USA: Haworth Press, Inc.

Bohart, Arthur C. (1997). Tallman, Karen. Empathy and the active client: An integrative, cognitive-experiential approach. In Bohart, Arthur C. (Ed); Greenberg, Leslie S. (Ed); et-al. Empathy reconsidered: New directions in psychotherapy. (pp. 393-415). Washington, DC, USA: American Psychological Association.

Bongartz, W. (1996) Hypnotherapy as an Experiential-Emotional Therapy. First Congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy WCP. Austria Center Vienna.

Bonime, F. (1977) Creative writing course. The New School of Social Research, New York.

Bornstein, P.H. (1974) Language induced anxiety. Psychological Reports. Vol. 35, n. 1, pp. 453-454.

Boukydis, C.F.Z. (1990) Client-centered/experiential practice with parents and infants. In: Lietaer, G., Rombauts, J., Van Balen, R. (Eds.) Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the Nineties. Leuven University Press. Lovaina pp. 797-830.

Boukydis, Z. (1996) Focusing and the thinking process. International Conference, Gloucester, Boston.

Boukydis, Z. y Lee, R. (1991) "Peer counseling and client-centered/ experiential practice: The Sunday night group as a modal of community mental health". Paper presented at: Second International Conference on Client-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy. Theory, Research and Practice. University of Stirling, Scotland.

Boylin, W.M. y Briggle, C.R. (1987) The healthy therapist: The contribution of symbolic-experiential family therapy. Family Therapy, 14, 247-256.

Braaten, L.J. (1988) Humanistisk-eksistentialpsykologisk teoriutvikling innenfor klinisk psykologi. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykilogforening, 25, 65-72.

Brenner, H. (1996) When you focus upon a star. International Conference, Boston.

Brenner, H. y Letich, L. (1996) Breaking the Taboos of Focusing. International Conference, Gleucester, Boston.

Brinkerhoff, L.J. (1991) Application of the cure conflictual relationship method to an analysis of significant events in an experiential therapy of depression. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toledo, OH.

Briscoe, M.F. (1984) Biofeedback and Focusing. The Focusing Folio, Vol. 3, n. 2, pp. 61-71.

Brodley, B.T. (1988) Does early-in-therapy experiencing level predict outcome? A review of research. Unpublished manuscript.

Brodley, B.T. (1990) Client-centered and experiential: Two different therapies. In: Lietaer, G., Rombauts, J., Van Balen, R. (Eds.), o.c., 92116.

Brodley, B.T. (1991) The role of focusing in client-centered therapy. Paper presented at the 2nd ICCEP. Stirling.

Broeder, B. S. (1986) A comparison of three therapeutic treatments for anger control: Cognitive-experiential, rational, cognitive restructuring and self-hypnosis. Doctoral Dissertation. Hofstra University.

Bruijn, E. M. De (1990) Focusing in general practice., En: Lietaer, G., Rombauts, J., Van Balen, R. (Eds.) Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy in the Nineties. Leuven University Press. Lovaina pp. 19-26

Bruinix, G. (1993) The hard part is me. Learning to focus with children. The Folio, 12(1), 1-11.

Brundschuh-Müller, K. (1996) Becoming assertive by referring to the felt sense: Focusing as a tool to improve assertiveness and self-esteem. International Conference, Gloucester, Boston.

Brunswick, L. (1991) Focusing and Society. The Folio. Vol. X, n. 2 pp. 71-79.

Brunswick, L.K. (1976) Intellectual Interaction. Changes Discussions Papers. Vol. 2, n. 4.

Brunswick, L.K. (1985) A systematic approach to teaching focusing. The Focusing Folio, Vol. 4, n. l, pp. 29-48.

Brunswick, L.K. (1985) A systematic approach to teaching focusing. The Focusing Folio, Vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 29-48.

Brunswick, L.K. (1991) Conflict resolution and experiential focusing. The Folio, 10(1), 32-37.

Bruyn, E.M. de (1993) Focusing in general practice. The Folio, 12(3), 19-25.

Buckley, E. J. (1996) Alexithymia, childhood abuse/trauma, and psychosomatic vulnerability in chronic pain patients. Columbia University.

Bundschuh-Müller, C. (1996) Ein Netzwerk für Seele knüpfen. First Congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy WCP. Austria Center Vienna. (30 junio al 4 de julio).

Bundschuh-Müller, K. (1991) Similarities between focusing and Ericksonian hypnotherapy. The Folio., 10(3), 24-33.

Burg, J. E. (1994) Exploring adventure family therapy: A modified Delphi study. Doctoral Dissertation. Purdue University.

Cabarrús, C.R. (1996) Orar tu propio sueño. Taller de Psicología y Espiritualidad. Publ. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Madrid (2a ed.).

Cabarrús, C.R. (1999). Crecer bebiendo del propio pozo. Taller de crecimiento personal. Col. Serendipity, Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao.

Cabarrús, C.R. (2001). Prólogo en Gendlin, E.: Deja que tu cuerpo interprete tus sueños. Col. Serendipity, Ed. Desclée de Brouwer, Bilbao (in press).

Cabodevilla, I. (1984) El proceso del enfoque corporal (Focusing) y la Gestalt. Master´s paper in Clinical Psychology. Escuela de Psicología y Psicotecnia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Cabodevilla, I.E. (1980) A morir también se aprende. Humanizar, Vol. 3, pp. 32-33.

Cain, D.J., LIetaer, G., Sachse, R. y Thorne, B. (1989) Proposals for the future of client-centered and experiential psychotherapy. Person centered Review, 4, 11-26.

Campbell, P. y MacMahon, E. (1985) Bio-spirituality: Focusing as way to grow. Chicago: Loyola University Press.

Campbell, P., McMahon, E., Cosmic Interaction. New York.

Carrin, S. J. (1989) Effects of modalities of audio recordings and verbatim transcripts on personality and affect ratings on interview material. Doctoral Dissertation. Pacific Graduate School of Psychology.

Chapman, A. R. (1989) Client use of metaphor in counselling: Its role in client meaning and counselor understanding. EDD. Rutgers The State University of New Jersey- New Brunswick.

Cherry, M.R. (1970) The relationship between focusing and experiencing. Doctoral Dissertation, CSPP, San Diego. California.

Chiappa, F.W. (1977) Experiential focusing and the memory-monitoring process. Doctoral Dissertation, Case Western Reserve University.

Clark, C.A. (1990) A comprehensive process analysis of focusing events in experiential therapy. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Toledo, OH.

Clark, D.B. (1980) Effects of experiential focusing with psychotherapy patients. Doctoral Dissertation, Georgia State University - College of Arts and Sciences.

Classen, C. C. (1990) Self disembedding: A constructivist view of insight in psychotherapy. Doctoral Dissertation. York University (Canada).

Coffeng, T. (1978) Identity development in twins, Univ. Groningen.

Coffeng, T. (1984) Teaching Focusing to clients. The Focusing Folio, 3(4).

Coffeng, T. (1986) Focusing and grief. En: Van Balen et al., Droom en werkelijkheid in client-centered psychotherapie. Paper & video. Int. Conf. Client-centered & Experiential Psychotherapy, Leuven.

Coffeng, T. (1991) Process observation through focusing in experiential therapy. Paper presented at: Second International Conference on Client-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy. Theory, Research and Practice. University of Stirling, Scotland.

Coffeng, T. (1991) Process observation through focusing. Int. Conf. Client-centered and Experiential Psychotherapy, Stirling, Scotland.

Coffeng, T. (1991) The phasing and timing of focusing in therapy. The Focusing Folio, 10(3), 40-50.

Coffeng, T. (1992) Der Therapieprozess im Lichte des Focusing. Wien: Vortrag Symposion "20 Jahre OGwG".

Coffeng, T. (1992) Focusing and Grief. The Folio. Vol. 11, n. 2 pp.4248.

Coffeng, T. (1992) Focusing und Trauer. Personzentriert, N.° 1, 80-94.

Coffeng, T. (1992) Het therapie-proces in het licht van focussen. VRT-Periodiek, 30(3), 7-23.

Coffeng, T. (1992) Re-contacting the child. Grief therapy with adults who had a loss during childhood. The Folio, 11(3), 11-21.

Coffeng, T. (1993) Den Kontakt mit dem. Kind widerherstellen. Trauvertherapie für Erwachsene, die in ihrer Kindheit einer Verlust erfahren haben. GwG Zeitschrift, 23, N.° 87, 19-24.

Coffeng, T. (1994) The delicate approach to early trauma and dissociation. Third International Conference on Cllent-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy: Theory, Research an~1 Practice. Gmunden, Salzkammergut, Austria.

Coffeng, T. (1996) Experiential and pre-experiential approach to multiple childhood trauma. International Conference, Gloucester, Boston.

Coffeng, T. (1996) The therapy of early grief. En: Hutterer, R. (ed.) Client centered and experiential psychotherapy: a paradigm in motion. Europaischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 499512.

Coffeng, T. (1985) Focussen, een cursus als pre-therapie. T.V. Psychotherapie, 11(3).

Coffeng, T. (1996) Listening to Childhood Loss. First Congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy WCP. Austria Center Vienna.

Connell, G.M. y Russell, L.A. (1986) In therapy consultation: A supervision and therapy technique of symbolic-experiential family therapy. American Journal of Family Therapy, 14, 313-323.

Connell, G.M., Mitten, T.J., y Whitaker, C.A. (1993) Reshaping family symbols: A symbolic-experiential perspective. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 19(3), 243-251.

Corcoran, K.J. (1980) Experiential focusing and human resource development: a comparative study of pro-conceptual and conceptual approaches to the training of empathy. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.

Corcoran, K.J. (1981) Experiential empathy: a theory of felt-level experience. Journal of Humanistic Psychology: Vol. 21, n. 1, pp. 29-38.

Cornell, Weiser A. (1996) The power of focusing: A practical guide to emotional self-healing. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.

Cornell, Weiser A. (1999) El poder del focusing. Ed. Obelisco, Barcelona.

Coyle, M.P. (1987) An experiential perspective on the mother-infant relationship: The first eight months. The Focusing Folio. n. 6, pp. 1-28.

Cross, P. (1986) Patty's Dream. The Focusing Folio. Vol. V, n. 3, pp. 114-116.

Cunninghan, T. (1990) Focusing and art. The Focusing Folio, 9, 7375.

Curran, T.F. (1976) Anxiety reduction as a preliminary to group treatment. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice. Vol. 13, n. 4, pp. 354-360.

Daldrup, R.J. y Engle, D.E. (in press). Focused expressive psychotherapy: Working with unresolved hurt and anger in patients. The New Psychologist. Open University Psychological Society, London.

Daldrup, R.J., Beutler, L.E., Greenberg, L.S. y Engle, D.E. (1987). Focused expressive psychotherapy: A gestalt psychotherapy intervention for individuals with constricted affect. New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

Daldrup, R.J., Engle, D., Holiman, M., y Beutler, L.E. (1994) The intensification and resolution of blocked affect in an experiential psychotherapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 129-142.

David, R. A. (1990) The effect of interpretation on productivity in small groups. Doctoral Dissertation. The George Washington University.

Davilla, L. E. (1992) The immediate effects of therapist interpretation on patient plan progressiveness. Doctoral Dissertation. California School of Professional Psychology.

Davis, K. L. (1994) The role of therapist actions in process-experiential therapy. Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Toledo.

Davison, B.W. (1976) Methods for effectively generating and developing self-experiencing and empathy: The Communication Workshop; Gendlin's Focusing Instructions; Hot Spot Focusing Instructions; Centreing. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Waterloo, Canada.

Day, S.M.D. (1995) Self-concept, schematic processing and change in perceptual-processing experiential therapy. Master of Arts. York University (Canada).

Dayton, T. B. (1994) Psychodrama in the field of addictions (Experiential Therapy). Doctoral Dissertation. The Union Institute.

De Freminville, M. (1991) "Voice dialogue" and focusing: A theoretical and experiential view. The Folio, 10(3), 34-39.

De Freminville, M. (1996) The Use of Focusing in Psychotherapy. First Congress of the World Council for Psychotherapy WCP. Austria Center Vienna.

De Moor, W. (1978) De Therapeutische Interventie 11. Van Loghum Slaterus, Deventer, Holland (Dutch translation of the Focusing Manual and of the EXP scale).

De'ath, E. (1981) Experiential family therapy. En: Walrond-Skinner, S. (Ed.) Developments in family therapy. pp. 324-338. London: Routledge & Kegan.

DeBartolo, A.E. (1978) Experiential Focusing: a review of the literature and proposition. University of Chicago. Unpublished manuscript.

DeChenne, T.K. (1973) Experiential facilitation in conjoint marriage counseling. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice. Vol. 10, n. 3.

Depestele, F. (1986) Het lichaam in psychotherapie. In: Van Balen, R., Leijssen, M. y Lietaer, G. (Red.), o.c. pp. 87-123.

Depestele, F. (1981) Gendlins theorie van het ervaringsproces. Unpublished manuscript.

Depestele, F. (1983) Enkele notities bij de eerste beweging van focussen (some notes on the first movement of focusing). Unpublished manuscript (10 pp.).

Depestele, F. (1983) How is the body in (1)? Unpublished manuscript (22 pp.).

Depestele, F. (1983) Wetenschappelijkheid van de experiëntiële theorie. Uitgaande van Gendlin's vroege teksten over experiëntiële filosofie (Scientific character of the experiental theory. Viewed from Gendlin's early texts on experiential philosophy). Unpublished manuscript (37 pp.).

Depestele, F. (1984) Ervaringsgerichtheid en Gendlins begrip 'felt sense'. En: Lietaer, G., van Praag, H., y Swildens, J.C.A.G. (Eds.), o.c., pp. 87-110.

Depestele, F. (1984) Experiëntiële therapie; en enkele beschouwingen over het probleem 'afwezig seksueel verlangen'. En: Moors-Mommers, Bezemer, W., Frenken, J., De REgt, W. Roelofs, G. y Vanderycken, W. (Eds.) Handboek selsuele hulprerlening. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus n. 6, pp. 1-18.

Depestele, F. (1989). Experiëntiële psychotherapie: een stap in de praktijk. Deel I en Deel II. Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie, 19, 1-15. (Ook in: VRT-periodiek, 1989, 27(4), 22-23).

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Madrid, Spain April 27, 2001