דילוג לתוכן העיקרי

Focusing on Purpose: Finding Your Deep Purpose through the Felt Sense

 Registration is closed for this event
This free online conversation is Part of the Focusing Roundtable series for TIFI members. Our sense of purpose has been emerging within us since our birth. We may be in touch with a purpose we have inherited from our parents, a purpose that is projected on us by society, or with our own inner purpose that has been unfolding in our hearts throughout our lives. Class size is limited.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020  from 05:00 pm to 7:00 pm Eastern Time

Times worldwide: convert to your time zone

Please note: This Roundtable will be offered twice: on Jan 21 (11am Eastern Time)  and Jan 28 (5pm Eastern Time) to accommodate different time zones. Please register only once. The Jan 21 registration is listed as a separate event.

The TIFI Membership Committee is pleased to offer this series of Focusing Roundtables

designed especially for members of the Institute. If you are not a member, please join at https://focusing.org/course/join-or-renew, then return to this page to register. This program will afford members a valuable opportunity to engage in casual peer-to-peer conversation with other members who share Focusing-related interests.

Our sense of purpose has been emerging within us since our birth.  We may be in touch with a purpose we have inherited from our parents, a purpose that is projected on us by society, or with our own inner purpose that has been unfolding in our hearts throughout our lives.

Gendlin spoke about the implicit which we carry in our bodies according to our social conditioning associated with our gender, age, religion, nationality, and so on. By connecting with our felt sense, we can go beyond this conditioning and connect with our bodily knowing--which implies our becoming.

Following a purpose can feel very reassuring, a sense of knowing where we are going in life. But at times we may notice that this reassurance hides parts of us that are experiencing pressure, guilt, or confusion. In this Roundtable we will be curious about how some of what we have undertaken as our purpose in our lives may have been conditioned by our social environment.

We will also discover how the experience of lacking a sense of purpose can connect us with something shining within as our inner purpose. When we can no longer sense any "right next steps" in a familiar direction, could we simply let the quiet unknown wash over us? What might happen then?

During this Roundtable, we will guide you into a Focusing experience where we will explore:

  • The difference between the times in our lives where we chose a purpose according to the patterns of society and the times when we followed our inner guidance;
  • How we can sense this felt difference in our bodies; and
  • How we can clear the space so that we may go within and connect with our deeper inner purpose.

We will work in dyads so we can listen to each other and be heard as we share what comes from our exploration. Our intention is to create and hold a safe space with a lot of room to build trust with this inner purpose. We have discovered that this trust is the first step for it to feel safe enough to show itself to us, even just a little bit, without being oppressed or rejected by the outside world.

Who might be particularly interested in attending this Roundtable?  Anyone who is curious about this topic. Anyone who wants to journey deeper into finding a bigger sense of themselves. Anyone who is open to making gentle contact with their inner purpose as they would with a new born baby who embodies an unprecedented uniqueness.


What to expect from Focusing Roundtables:  Each Focusing Roundtable is designed to promote informal peer-to-peer conversation. Rather than acting as expert presenters, the Hosts will serve as conversation moderators to encourage sharing and exploration of the topics from the participants’ own perspectives.  All participants’ sharings are welcome and valuable, no matter what level of experience or knowledge you have on the topic. To preserve the nature of informal conversation, the program will be offered live only and no recordings will be available. Registration is limited and on a first-come, first served basis. Participants are encouraged to create follow up opportunities for connection among themselves after the Roundtable.

About your hosts:

Monica Gomez Galaz is a Focusing Coordinator in Mexico City. She is a personal coach and focusing trainer. As a curious dreamer and a never ending student of life, she is interested in how personal evolution connects us with something bigger. Through Biodecoding and Focusing, she has a better understanding of her own Body History. In her practice, she has evolved a new way of bringing awareness to biological function creating a natural trust of the process.

Özlem Maviş is an artist currently living in Montreal, Canada. Her watercolor offerings are inspired by the sacred presence she senses when her heart is still, or when it is dancing and glimmering with life. Focusing, since she discovered it in 2017, has guided her consistently within her inner landscape. She is particularly interested in combining Focusing with creative expression and sensing a subtle language of the soul. Özlem is currently exploring a newly emerging sense of purpose in her life and is looking forward to being a part of the Round table exploration!

January 29th, 2020 from  5:00 PM to  7:00 PM
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