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A Focusing Architecture to Change the Unchangeable

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**This International Focusing Highlight will be offered in English with simultaneous translation into German and Mandarin** Changing the Unchangeable (aka Macroshifting) invites one to engage with something one has tried to change (e.g. a persistent relationship or career problem) but has failed at changing. If, given one’s other accomplishments, it is unclear why someone has failed, it is probably a macro. According to Robert, macros are what change with difficulty. Macros also go further into who one is, and further out into society. . . (Eine Focusing-Architektur um das Unveränderliche zu verändern) „Changing the Unchangeable“ (auch Macroshifting genannt) lädt dazu ein, sich mit etwas zu befassen, das man ändern möchte (z. B. ein hartnäckiges Beziehungs- oder Karriereproblem), an dem man jedoch bislang gescheitert ist. Bleibt es trotz vielfältiger Bemühungen unklar, warum eine gewünschte Veränderung nicht gelingen möchte, handelt es sich wahrscheinlich um ein Macro. Laut Robert ist ein Macro etwas, das sich schwer ändern lässt. Macros reichen tief in die eigene Persönlichkeit und zugleich auch tief in die Gesellschaft hinein. . . (改变不可能的聚焦建构) 改变不可能(或称为宏转化)邀请那些想要试图改变什么(比如一段持久的关系或者职场生涯问题)但是却无力改变的人,也许,即使在其他方面小有成就,但是却并不清楚为什么会失败,这种情况可能就是一个宏。按照罗伯特的理论,宏是那些很难改变的事物,宏可能会深入了解自己是谁并进一步深入了解社会…
**This International Focusing Highlight will be offered in English with simultaneous translation into German and Mandarin Lesen Sie die Beschreibung auf Deutsch    /     中文描述。

Thursday, September 30, 2021 from 8:00am to 10:00am Eastern (NY) time

convert to your time here

Class will be recorded for all registrants and available for viewing for one month.

Changing the Unchangeable (aka Macroshifting) invites one to engage with something one has tried to change (e.g. a persistent relationship or career problem) but has failed at changing. If, given one’s other accomplishments, it is unclear why someone has failed, it is probably a macro. According to Robert, macros are what change with difficulty. Macros also go further into who one is, and further out into society. . .

Within this webinar you will have the chance to:

  • Get an introduction to Macroshifting and dive into Domain Focusing:
    Domain Focusing was built to power Macroshifting. Together we will discover how Domain Focusing teaches the art of getting deeper and broader shifts—a key to shifting macros predictably. 
  • Get to know the 2 year Macro-Domain Focusing Large Group Program:
    We will explore how Robert’s 2 year program aspires to have comparable outcomes to 2 years of psychotherapy at half the cost while delivering the lifelong Focusing skills of a robust Focusing training program. 

All are welcome to attend. Experience with Focusing is helpful but not required.

We use Zoom videoconferencing for our online classes. In this webinar format, you will see the presenter and host, but you will not be seen. You will be able to ask questions during the webinar by typing them.

You will need to have a computer/mobile device. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred. All registered participants will be sent a link to the video recording approximately two weeks following the class. So if you are unable to attend the live webinar, you will still be able to view it for one month.

Bio - Robert L Lee, Ph.D. 

  • Theoretical/Methodological Innovator in Gendlin’s Implicit Tradition
  • Licensed psychologist
  • Mentored by Eugene Gendlin and Clark Moustakas
  • Developing new architecture for more effective psychotherapy by combining his methods of Macroshifting™ (Changing the Unchangeable) and Domain Focusing
  • Created Cross-lingual Focusing Partnership (partnership exchange with an imperfect second language), Elusive Felt Sensing (comprehensive approach for people with difficulties in felt sense formation), Empathic Opportunity Coupling (couple psychotherapy)
  • Developer of Focusing in Costa Rica, NYC, Boston and among Quakers
  • Led 15+ training programs 
  • Led 7 TIFI Certification Weeklongs
  • Board service: TIFI and Humanistic Psychology (Moustakas: CDPP-CHTP)
  • Mentored many successful Focusing Coordinators and Leaders
September 30th, 2021 from  8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Pay What You Can
Additional Information
Location Online
Topic Beginners-Intermediate, FOT, Intermediate/Advanced, Other, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Language of Instruction Chinese, English, German
Event Listing Date Information Thursday, September 30, 8am-10am
Timezone Eastern (New York) Time