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Organising the World Around the Felt Sense

 Registration is closed for this event
What might our human world look like if we were to organise it with the felt sense in mind? We can make the felt sense an organising principle for everyone in responding to the world around us in a reflective manner. We can listen to it in facing our collective challenges, including climate change and other threats to our future. In this Highlight webinar Peter will present a neuroscience perspective on the felt sense as the expression of one half of the brain – the right hemisphere – and he will suggest some features of this organising principle. The illustrated presentation will be followed by discussion so that participants have the opportunity to contribute their own thoughts on the subject. All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful, but is not required.

Friday, July 30, 2021 from 11:00am to 1:00pm Eastern (NY) time

convert to your time here

Class will be recorded for all registrants and available for viewing for one month.

What might our human world look like if we were to organise it with the felt sense in mind?

The felt sense is our feeling for the whole of a situation, a whole that links our outer world with our inner body-centred world. It is a background aspect of our experiencing much of the time, whether we have learnt Focusing or not, and we must give it some attention if we are to keep outer and inner worlds aligned.

In this Highlight webinar Peter will present a neuroscience perspective on the felt sense as the expression of one half of the brain – the right hemisphere. This hemisphere forms an ensemble with the body, weaving changes in the outer world together with changes inside us in a flow of felt experiencing. The felt sense is where we can listen not only to our inner world, but also to each other and to the natural world we all inhabit.

As well its personal aspects, we can make the felt sense an organising principle for everyone in responding to the world around us in a reflective manner. We can listen to it in facing our collective challenges, including climate change and other threats to our future.

In this class, Peter will suggest some features of this organising principle. The illustrated presentation will be followed by discussion so that participants have the opportunity to contribute their own thoughts on the subject.

All are welcome to attend. Some familiarity with Focusing will be helpful, but is not required.

We use Zoom videoconferencing for our online classes. In this webinar format, you will see the presenter and host, but you will not be seen. You will be able to ask questions during the webinar by typing them.

You will need to have a computer/mobile device. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred. All registered participants will be sent a link to the video recording approximately two weeks following the class. So if you are unable to attend the live webinar, you will still be able to view it for one month.


Peter Afford has been practicing and teaching Focusing for years. Based in London, he is a Coordinator for TIFI and a founder member of the British Focusing Association. He also works as a counsellor and therapist in private practice, and has been studying neuroscience for over 20 years. He is the author of Therapy in the Age of Neuroscience, and has written articles on Focusing and neuroscience which can be found at

July 30th, 2021 from 11:00 AM to  1:00 PM
Pay What You Can
Additional Information
Location Online
Topic Beginners-Intermediate, Intermediate/Advanced, The Focusing Institute (TIFI) Events
Language of Instruction English
Event Listing Date Information Friday, July 30, 2021 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
Timezone Eastern (New York Time)