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Nonviolent Communication as a Doorway to Focusing

 Registration is closed for this event
Focusing Highlights is a series of interactive, online pay-what-you-can classes.

Friday, July 12, 2019 from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm EDT

Times worldwide: Click this link for your time.
Registration closes Friday July 12 at 12 Noon (12:00pm).

(class will be recorded for participants; no special computer skill or equipment required)

“Nonviolent Communication has transformed my ability to deal with anger.”
~Beatrice Blake

Beatrice further states: “I used to believe that my bad feelings were caused by others. Through NVC I learned that my feelings are caused by my needs, met or unmet. I was certainly not raised to take my needs into account!”

When we feel strong emotions, it is very difficult to let a felt sense form. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) helps us calm down, by switching thoughts of blame to awareness of the needs at the root of our feelings.

This Highlight is not intended to teach NVC, but rather to show how “needs consciousness” can naturally bring us to level of the Experiencing Scale conducive to Focusing. The NVC steps allow us to dwell in the situation, providing the “holding and letting” space needed for a felt sense to form. Explaining what Focusing is to people can be difficult. This process can provide the experience of felt sensing without the need to explain it. 

This Highlight is open for anyone regardless of level of training and experience. Some familiarity with Focusing may be helpful but is not required.

The video link will be to an easy to use website called Zoom. In this webinar format, you will see the teachers and host, but you will not be seen. You will be able to ask questions during the webinar by typing them.

You will need to have a computer/mobile device. Calling in by phone is also possible but not preferred. All registered participants will be sent a link to the video recording approximately two weeks following the course. So if you are unable to attend in person, you will still be able to view the class. 


Beatrice Blake is most known for her work in Community Focusing in El Salvador. Originally licensed in Oriental Medicine, she became a Certified Focusing Trainer in 2000 with Robert Lee, Joan Klagsbrun and Neil Friedman. She is now a Certifying Coordinator, teaching in English and Spanish. Beatrice has studied Thinking at the Edge with Eugene Gendlin, Nada Lou, Kye Nelson and Evelyn Fendler-Lee, and has been teaching TAE online since 2012. She first studied Nonviolent Communication in 2006 with Peggy Smith but is not a certified NVC instructor. Her 7-session online classes in Generating a Culture of Peace, study Rosenberg’s theory in depth, bringing Focusing to the entire process.

July 12th, 2019 from  8:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Pay What You Can
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